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A paper should be written in English
according to the guidelines described in examples IOP (pdf) and IOPCS (docx)
and no longer than 10 pages.
It is recommended to use the article Template,
in which a set of styles helpful in correct preparing of the text is defined.
The Instruction of Template document provides instructions how to use the paper template.

Coloured graphs are allowed in the paper, nevertheless they should be presented
in a clear way with suitable legend.
An abstract should clearly state the purpose of the work, results and main conclusions,
and it should not exceed 200 words.
A special attention should be paid to the correct formatting of the list of references.
Citations not complying with requirements may not be correctly indexed
in the Web of Science and Scopus databases.

An extended abstract of the article, which will be issued in a printed form,
should be no longer than 2 pages and prepared according to Abstract Template.

Both files, paper and extended abstract should be submitted
in MS Word format (*.docx format is preferred).




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